Introducing our new dining and entertainment section

From the Editor

South Jersey media, as we’ve known it, has dramatically changed. In recent weeks, we’ve seen several tremendous shifts in local news publications, including The Press of Atlantic City’s most recent decision to drop down to only three print days per week. Distribution of The Press has also been redirected from the home delivery system to the USPS Mail system, leaving many avid morning readers frustrated by the changes.

It was also announced recently that entertainment guides, AC Weekly and At the Shore, have been discontinued, leaving a huge void in the entertainment news world.

Shore Local is here to fill that void, and we are more than happy to step up to the plate. We live in an entertainment mecca along the Atlantic Ocean. The festivals and beach concerts are abundant, while nightlife, entertainment, and boundless dining opportunities exist right at our fingertips. With such a bustling community of events and happenings, South Jersey deserves a reliable source of entertainment news.

In this issue of Shore Local, we are introducing Wahoo, a comprehensive entertainment guide covering the Southern Jersey Shore and Mainland. From Brigantine to Cape May, Wahoo will include headliners, live and local music calendars, event listings and features, local restaurants, and a whole lot more!

The dual meaning of the word “wahoo” is representative of both the buzzing sea life off our coast, as a Wahoo is a saltwater fish, as well as the jubilance and enthusiasm offered at the Jersey Shore. Plus, it’s fun to say! Wahoo!!!

Adding a little extra significance and a dose of nostalgia, the name Wahoo also pays homage to the Whoot, published by Lou and Christine Steiner. For decades, the Whoot was the area’s entertainment and nightlife go-to for all that was happening.

Shore Local began publishing in 2016, and thankfully, we’ve seen exponential growth in the last seven years. We have made it our mission to create a publication that highlights the people, places, and events that make the southern Jersey Shore a great place to live and visit.

Wahoo will be within the pages of each Shore Local, free for pickup at over 300 locations throughout Atlantic and Cape May County every Thursday. It will also be available at your fingertips online at

Bob and I are filled with gratitude – for our readers, sponsors, and talented team of writers, photographers, videographers, and the team of amazing humans working hard behind the scenes to make Shore Local possible.

Thank you for picking up this issue of Shore Local and have a wonderful week ahead. Wahoo!

Peace & Love,
