Interesting facts about the other side of the $1 bill

By Douglas Keefe
of Beachcomber Coins

My last article dealt with all those features contained on the front of the $1 bill. Today we’ll explore the reverse of the $1 bill and find the meaning behind its design.

The words UNITED STATES OF AMERICA are clearly printed across the top of the reverse of the $1 bill, identifying the country of origin to everyone. The word “ONE” and the number 1 appear no less than a total of ten times on the reverse, making it hard to ignore the value of the bill.

The phrase “IN GOD WE TRUST” appears over the word “ONE” in the center of the bill which first appeared on the series 1957 silver certificate $1 bill after President Eisenhower signed a law that mandated all United States currency contain that phrase. As a side note (no pun intended), the phrase “IN GOD WE TRUST” first appeared on our coinage in 1864 when it was printed on the newly created two cent coin and expressed concern about the outcome of the on-going Civil War.

The Great Seal of the United States is the only country seal in the world to be two sided. Both sides are represented on the reverse of the $1 bill. The face of the seal is represented on the right side and features an American eagle, representing national sovereignty and on its’ breast is the national shield. The eagle is holding in its right talon an olive branch of 13 leaves and 13 olives, symbolizing peace. In the left talon are 13 arrows signifying the original colonies fight for liberty. A ribbon held in the eagles’ beak is inscribed “E. Pluribus Unum” translated from Latin as “One out of Many” in reference to the unity of the 13 original colonies as one government. Over the head of the eagle is a grouping of 13 stars wreathed in clouds, again representing the original 13 colonies.

The reverse of the Great Seal, shown on the left side of the reverse of the $1 bill, depicts a pyramid representing strength and permanence, its’ unfinished condition indicates that the United States will always grow, build and improve with a continuous evaluation of Truth. The 13 layers of stone in the pyramid refer to the 13 Original States and the individual rights of the States. The separate stones represent local self-government.

The words “Annuit Coeptis” (13 letters) mean “God has favored our undertakings” or “enterprise.” At the bottom are the words “Novus Ordo Seclorum” meaning “New Order of the Ages.” At the base of the pyramid is the inscription in Roman numerals “1776”, the year our country was founded.

The top of the pyramid contains the “Eye of Providence” within ta glory of light which illustrates the spiritual above the material. It also represents education and freedom of knowledge.

There is a lot of symbolisms packed in that small piece of paper.


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