Experience health through hydration with Marte King

By Krystle J Bailey

Marte King, the creator of the PH Balanced 21-Day Lifestyle, is spreading knowledge, health, and hydration across South Jersey.

At 52 years old and in peak mental and physical health, Marte is determined to make the rest of his life the best years yet, capturing the healthy life experiences he missed out on in his youth. In addition to creating a healthy lifestyle for himself, he is using his experiences and wealth of knowledge to help improve the life and well-being of everyone he comes in contact with.

The PH Balanced Lifestyle is centered around the products and services that helped Marte improve his health, heal himself from the effects of diabetes and other health issues, and ultimately transform his life.

Hydration is the core component of Marte’s system. Not just hydration from any water, though. His PH-balanced, alkaline water uses molecular hydrogen to serve as a super antioxidant in the body. This same PH-balanced water is used in the production of his line of products, including juices, teas, coffee, medicinal mushrooms, and sea moss.

“Many of the ailments that we have are really signs of chronic dehydration,” explains King. “Top of the list when it comes to health is making sure that we are properly hydrated.”

In addition to the alkaline water that Marte produces, his mobile hydration station is equipped to offer the delivery of hydrogen in liquid, gas, and electrical forms, including a foot detox experience that draws out toxins from the body. All of the PH-Balanced Lifestyle healing modalities are centered around the delivery of hydrogen molecules to the body to support detoxification and hydration.

The journey to healthy living that Marte offers focuses on creating one new habit at a time. His tagline, “Think, Drink, and Eat to Live,” represents the mindset and lifestyle that he encourages for his clients. Once clients are on board and properly hydrated, Marte works with each person to create a sustainable lifestyle that includes his custom 21-Minute HIIT workout and learning how to eat for life. He also offers acoustic shock wave therapy that aids in pain relief and the release of visceral fat in the body.

“Whatever you believe is true. If you believe you can or you can’t, you’re right,” explains King. “I want to work with people who believe they can be better. I love to help heal people without drugs, based on things that I used for myself.”

When Marte isn’t sharing the gift of hydration, he spends his time mentoring young men who come from the same trials and tribulations that he has faced. Through his Alfa Academy program, he helps young men get access to the tools they need to start new businesses and create a healthy, happy path toward success and entrepreneurship.

To start your journey to a healthier, properly hydrated life, contact Marte King at www.phbalancealfa.com, www.facebook.com/phbalance9.5 , and on Instagram at @DoctaMarteKing.

Krystle J Bailey is a multimedia journalist, author and poet. Connect with Krystle on Instagram @thedailybailey5
