Dawes Avenue School Awarded Sustainable Jersey for Schools Certification

Dawes Avenue School, located in the Somers Point School District, has met the requirements to achieve Sustainable Jersey for Schools certification at the Bronze level, bringing the total number of certified schools across New Jersey to 337. As leading examples of sustainability excellence, the certified schools provide outstanding learning opportunities for their students and join an established cohort of recognized schools across the state.

Dr. Laura Venellol, principal of Dawes Avenue School shared in the excitement, “We are so proud of our efforts to continue pouncing forward toward Sustainability. In addition to our Green Cleaning practices, our Safe Routes to School program, and Healthy Choices Beyond the Cafeteria, we have begun purchasing recycled paper and our Attendance Academy, a program for absent students to make up missed work and improve their attendance. We have also reintroduced our Power Savers Club and are updating our school gardens. Dawes Avenue School is “pawsativley” committed to going green!

Sustainable Jersey for Schools developed the voluntary certification program in 2014 as a roadmap for pre- kindergarten through twelfth-grade public schools to reach their fullest potential. Each school that is certified at the bronze-level must submit documentation to show it has completed a balanced portfolio of the program’s sustainability actions, attaining a minimum of 150 points.

“I commend the teachers, administrators, staff, parents and students for their commitment and vision for the future. Becoming certified with Sustainable Jersey for Schools is a significant achievement,” said Randall Solomon, executive director of Sustainable Jersey. “Certified schools play a crucial role in reducing environmental impacts, improving health and preparing students for the challenges they will face in the future. With 67% of New Jersey public school districts participating and over 300 certified schools, there’s an incredible opportunity and potential for change,” Solomon added. Sustainable Jersey participating schools serve as learning labs and the certification program supports educators by identifying authentic learning opportunities for students and staff.

Dawes Avenue is a PreK to 3rd grade school of 265 students in Somers Point, located in Atlantic County. Dawes Avenue is a nationally recognized Renaissance School and has been New Jersey Sustainable Certified since 2017, led by Green Team leader and district liaison, Kim O’Brien.

About Sustainable Jersey for Schools
Sustainable Jersey for Schools is a certification program for public schools in New Jersey. It was launched by Sustainable Jersey, an organization that provides tools, training and financial incentives to support and reward municipalities and schools as they pursue sustainability programs. To date, 1,130 schools are participating in the program. Visit the Participating Districts and Schools webpage to see the full list of participating and certified schools and school districts. Sustainable Jersey for Schools has awarded over $3.1 million in grants to schools and school districts.

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